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Sponsorship Opportunities - Events Print E-mail

Being part of the experience to see these athletes crunch the ball into the setting sun will bring spectators flocking to the monthly events.

The resulting increase in awareness of the event and the participants will see the sport grow beyond our wildest imaginations, bringing with it potential new customers. The word of mouth as well as the media coverage will ensure coverage for you and your company. Coupled to your company's promotions and efforts on event days an immensely successful event will be enjoyed by all.


  • Company Logo on the LONGDRIVE-SA website with a link to your company's website allowing efficient transfer of possible new customers.

  • Company contact details and description of services on the Long Drive Community Business Directory

  • Advertising space for two pop-up banners per event.

  • Four complimentary entries per LONGDRIVE-SA event (includes commemorative gift.)

  • Space for promotion of products at the event.

  • Professional Long Drivers will be available at reduced fees to entertain clients with long drive group lessons.

  • Editorial coverage of the events with incidental sponsor coverage. {TBC}

  • Four member entries {reduced fees applicable} to a LONGDRIVE-SA golf day.

  • Access to the monthly newsletter sent to a database in excess of 20 000 people.

  • Access to space to entertain your clients at LONGDRIVE-SA events. {marquee}

The South African golfing public will receive a high-impact, short-duration golfing event. As South Africans we will show the world that we are bigger, better and can hit a golf ball further than anyone. LONGDRIVE-SA will give all an equal chance to become the best in South Africa and even to be the best of the best and become ‘World Champion’.

The events of LONGDRIVE-SA will be held on a monthly basis at suitable venues in Gauteng. LONGDRIVE-SA is currently searching for a home to host monthly events.

For more information, click on the Contact Us option on the menu.

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